Website design & maintenance
Building websites since 2002!

Do you still NEED a website in 2024? A website allows you to demonstrate your expertise, display products, provide educational or informational materials, and act as your storefront, even when the business is closed.

Websites are valuable tools for perpetuating customer service, they’re often more practical and efficient than social media.

A website gives you credibility. A well-designed, user-friendly, website with quality content goes a long way towards making you an authority in your industry.

So, the short answer is yes – you do need a website in 2022.  It should be the hub of all your other marketing efforts, including social media. 


Why choose me to design your website?


With over 18 years website, graphic design and programming experience, I know what it takes to get your project done fast and done right.



You can depend on me to provide you with the high-quality service you expect and deserve. 



As a social media marketer, I  walk the walk - I've been in this business a long time, (2002) have seen many 'web designers' come and go and leave their clients stranded in the World Wide Web. We're here to stay. I build a website that is YOURS.  You own your own domain, and you control your website.  You will never be locked out of your website again.  Most importantly, we know you will be happy with your website or logo and our price. 


How much does it cost?

It depends. Vague, yes, but true.

Each project has different requirements; copy writing specifically for the web, preparing an online marketing budget, creating custom graphics to match your existing branding theme, training on how to maintain your own website all vary per client. These are just some of the variables. One thing I can say, though, is that my prices are competitive, and haven't increased since 2006.